Friday, July 16, 2010

So close...

We're within a month now... it's crazy.  Lloyd and I leave August 14th, and we'll arrive in Tallinn the 15th.  I've been talking with my teacher, Ms. Karolina, and I'm getting very excited to get to teach with her.  She seems fantastic.  It's going to be a wonderful experience. 

I'm hoping to get to Russia while I'm over there, but with the recent discoveries of spies etc., I'm not sure if they'll let me in.  So, tentatively on my travel list is: Belgium (to visit the Dunlaps!), France (to visit Laura :) ), hopefully Poland and Germany, and I'll end up in London, because I fly out of there on November 19th. 

It's just coming up so soon...I can't believe it.  I'm thrilled and nervous, excited but sad to say goodbye to my friends, especially my man friend. 

I'll keep you posted as things develop!


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